
Bhubaneshwari village, with a location code of 335046, lies in the Kultali subdivision of the South Twenty Four Parganas district in West Bengal, India. The village is located 23.6 kilometers from the sub-district headquarter Jamtalahat (tehsildar office) and 90.3 kilometers from the district headquarter Alipore. The gram panchayat of Bhubaneshwari village is Gurguria Bhubaneswari, as per 2009 statistics.
Spanning an area of 856.41 hectares, Bhubaneshwari has a population of 6,936 individuals, with 3,564 males and 3,372 females. Notably, the literacy rate of the village is 77.62%, of which 83.89% of males and 71.00% of females are literate. Bhubaneshwari has approximately 1,516 houses, and its locality pincode is 743383.
However, despite such modest progress, there are still areas in Bhubaneshwari where basic education is inaccessible to many children. Nevertheless, Promise Worldwide, in collaboration with the Promise Kolkata Charitable Trust, is committed to improving the lives of these children through remote cyber education. The program's unique approach enlists the expertise of successful professionals to deliver virtual lessons to students, bridging the gap between the privileged and the less fortunate. These efforts have already yielded tangible results. The Promise Worldwide and Promise Kolkata Charitable Trust partnership is a prime example of how dedication and innovation can transform education and change lives.