Completed Projects

Atghara Project
Baduria is a small village in the North 24 Parganas district in West Bengal, where 70% of the population consists of the minority community. The children there cannot go to school and are forced to work in dangerous conditions. They cut their hands and feet, handling glass without any safety gear.

Howrah District Project
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many suburban people have had their livelihoods destroyed and lost their only sources of income. Many children who were previously able to attend school have been forced to stop in order to support their families.
Nawabpur Children's Project
Nawabpur is situated near New Town area, under Reckjoani district, West Bengal, where we worked from 2003 to 2011. We had built a 2000 sq ft building for the education of underprivilege students living there and also supported their basic meal and medical necessities.

Project for Women in Nawabpur
Started in October 2008, this project for rural women in Nawabpur is a success story. With active participation from Sinko Corp, USA, they have agreed to market 10,000 units of the product (a specific kind of hand-knitted dish cloth) that the women are involved in making. These women have opened bank accounts
Srirampur Child Guidance Center
The school assists mentally handicapped, hearing impaired, and autistic children. Apart from being a regular school for these children, it also provides psychological assessments of kids, parental counseling, and training on how to nurture special needs kids.

Ujan-Toockies Project
In October 2008, a successful project for rural women in West Bengal was started. Collaborating with Sinko Corp, USA, these women became involved in making an organic, zero-waste dish cloth and many other fantastic products. The brand is called Tookies and its products are today distributed through Lavinia Trade in Europe. The project has provided a livelihood for more than 800 women over the course