Madhya Purba Gurguria Project

Madhya Gurguria, a small village nestled in the Kultali Block of the South 24 Parganas district in West Bengal, India, is estimated to have a population of 5,229 to 5,696 people in 2022/2023, with a recorded population of 4,669 in the 2011 census. Of this population, 2,383 are males and 2,286 are females, with a total of 936 households.
In terms of livelihood, the village's 1,588 total workers possess a range of skills, with 1,317 men and 271 women. Agriculture farming is a primary occupation, with 200 cultivators relying on this sector - 193 of whom are men, and 7 are women. Additionally, 320 individuals work as agricultural laborers in Madhya Gurguria, 307 of whom are men, and 13 are women.
Despite the economic challenges, Promise Worldwide and Promise Kolkata Charitable Trust are making strides to provide access to basic education for children in the area. With the help of successful professionals and remote cyber tools, these organizations are working towards creating brighter futures for the youth of Madhya Gurguria.
Promise open school currently has 39 students, mostly belonging to scheduled caste and scheduled tribe.